Outfit-urile anului 2018
[RO]Pentru ca anul 2018 a trecut pentru unii cu viteza luminii si pentru altii cu viteza trenurilor din Romania, am decis sa trec prin revista tinutele mele preferate ale acestui an. Cu chiu, cu vai am reusit sa strang din momentele esentiale ale lui 2018 cate ceva pentru voi, fie din vacante, din amintiri, de la petreceri si evenimente. A fost un an destul de plin si totusi care merita sa fie impartasit cu voi. Cu totii facem rezolutii pentru urmatorul an si ne propunem unele lucruri care vor deveni greu de indeplinit mai devreme sau mai putin, ne promitem noua ca vom reusi, iar uneori ajungem sa ne dezamagim pe noi insine. Insa, exista solutie si pentru aceasta. In primul rand, daca ne propunem ceva, ar trebui sa fie sub o forma cat mai realista. De exemplu, cineva isi propune sa calatoreasca mai mult in anul 2019. Mai bine ar spune:" Voi ajunge in Maroc( o destinatie care se afla si pe lista mea de dorinte) in luna mai a acestui an. Voi cauta bilete in prima saptamana a lunii ianuarie". Sau, cineva isi propune sa faca mai mult sport anul ce vine. Mai bine ar spune:"Voi merge la sala de doua ori pe saptamana." Desigur, exista multe alte exemple de acest fel, insa nu despre asta va fi acest articol. Dar, inainte sa va prezint cele 37 de tinute, va voi transmite cateva cuvinte. Imi doresc din tot sufletul ca anul 2019 sa fie un an cel putin la fel mai frumos ca 2018, pentru toata lumea. Si stiu ca nu tuturor 2018 le-a adus cele mai frumoase amintiri, dar avem speranta ca in urmatorul an vom fi cel putin la fel de sanatosi ca acum. Iar dupa sanatate, sa vina si restul, tot ce va doriti voi. Si, nu in ultimul rand, sa ploua cu calatorii!!
[EN] Because for some of us 2018 went with the speed of light and for others with the speed of Romanian trains, I decided to show you my favourite outfits of this year. Even if it was more or less difficult, I managed to collect of the key aspects of 2018 for you, from vacation, memories, from parties and events. It was a quite full year yet worthy to be shared with you. We all make resolutions for the next year and we plan some things that will become difficult to fulfill earlier or later, we promise ourselves that we will succeed and sometimes we get to disappoint ourselves. But there is always a solution for it. First, if we plan something, it should be in a more realistic form. For example, someone wants to travel more in 2019. Better they would say: "I'll be in Morocco (a destination that is on my wish list) in May this year. I'm looking for tickets in the first week of January ". Or someone wants to do more sports in the coming year. Better they would say: "I'll go to the gym twice a week." Of course, there are many more examples like this, but this article will not be about it. But before I present the 37 outfits, I will send you some words. I wish with all my heart that 2019 will be a year at least as nice as 2018 for everyone. And I know that not all 2018 brought good memories, but we hope that next year we will be at least as healthy now. And after health, may come the rest all your wishes. And, not least, a lot of trips !!
Iar acum, pentru ca v-am introdus in articol, sa trecem la treaba si sa luam anul la pas, cu toate evenimentele in ordine cronologica.
(And now that I have introduced you in the article, we must get to work and take this year step by step with the most important events in chronological order).
Tinuta de la Revelionul care prevestea anul, la Grosseto. Mai multe despre destinatie, gasiti aici.
(New Year's outfit from the year predicted at Grosseto. More about the destination can be found here)
La Teatrul Evreiesc de Stat. Incaltata cu cizmele peste genunchi cu toc din Italia si cu o rochita neagra de la H&M.
(Hebrew State Theater. Wearing boots over the knee from Italy and a black dress from H & M).
Prin Bucuresti cu blanita din Piazza Italia si cu pantaloni din Zara.
(Wandering in Bucharest earing Piazza Italia fur and Zara pants).
Cu salvarii luati din Istanbul(Harem pants bought in Istanbul)
Cu fusta clos si helanca intr-o culoare caramizie
Purtand rochita de la Asos si pantofi in stil oxford de la Marelbo, o firma romaneasca de buna calitate
(Wearing dress from Asos and oxford style shoes from Marelbo, a high quality Romanian brand)
Tinuta aceasta a mai aparut pe blog, mai multe gasiti aici.(More of this outfit you can find here)
Trebuia sa pun si un selfie in oglinda, de dragul trend-ului modern. Cu pantaloni H&M, un alt trend nebun al ultimilor ani.(A mirror selfie wearing H & M ripped jeans)
La Carturesti, la Piata Romana
In gradina ceainariei Green Tea, purtand ochelarii in stil cat eye de la Stradivarius
(Green Tea teahouse garden, wearing cat eye glasses from Stradivarius)
La o nunta in Curtea de Arges, purtand Just Cavalli(Wearing Just Cavalli at a wedding)
La festivitatea de premiere a clasei a 10-a, la Colegiul National de Informatica "Tudor Vianu"(in caz ca nu stiati).
[EN]At the award ceremony of the 10th grade at the National College of Informatics "Tudor Vianu" (in case you did not know).
Poza din Rethymnon, Creta; mai multe despre aceasta destinatie gasiti aici.
(More of Rethymnon you can find here)
Poza din frumoasa Chania, cu taverne, flori roz si rochie de la Zara
(Wearing Zara dress in Chania)
La Heraklion, cu rochie achizitionata chiar de pe insula si cu gentuta de la Tommy Hilfiger.
(Tommy Hilfiger bag and a fluffy dress in Heraklion)
In Trani cu rochita Desigual, mai multe despre excursia in Italia gasiti aici.
(More about this trip where I wear Desigual dress here)
La Matera, in rochie Desigual si cu un colier asortat
(Wearing Desigual dress in Matera with a matching necklace)
La J'ai bistrot, local superb de petrecut timpul vara
La Bratislava, cu zambetul pana la urechi( Smiley picture in Bratislava)
Pe strazile Zürich-ului, cu pantaloni scurti Piazza Italia; mai multe despre ziua aceasta aici.
(Piazza Italia short pants in Zurich)
La pas in rochita prin Meersburg(Fluffy dress and a long walk in Meersburg)
La München, cu geanta din piele marocana(Morroccan leather bag wandering Munich)
Pe vapor in dantela diafana si geanta Musette(Lace dress and Musette bag on the deck)
Prima zi de clasa a 11-a, cu rochie si tenisi Tommy Hilfiger asortati(The first day of 11th grade with Tommy Hilfiger dress and sneakers matched)
O tinuta de inceput de toamna in culori inchise(The beginning of autumn in dark shades)
Tinuta aparuta recent pe blog, in articolul despre outfit-urile perfecte pentru toamna acestui an, mai mult gasiti aici.(Outfit from a recent blog post. More of this you can see here)
[RO] Aceste tinute le-am purtat la ultimele petreceri, mai mult in articolul despre petreceri.
Sper din tot sufletul ca v-a placut retrospectiva mea pe anul 2018 si astept pareri in rubrica de comentarii. De asemenea, sper ca va veti gasi ceva inspiratie in tinutele acestui an si vom pasi in noul an cu multa speranta si bucurie in suflet si pe acest blog! V-am pupat si ne vedem in curand, anul urmator!
[EN]These outfits we had at the last party, more in the article about parties.
I do hope you enjoyed my 2018 retrospective and I am waiting for your opinions in the comments box. I also hope that you will find a bit of inspiration in the outfits I have shown and we will step into the new year with great hope and joy in my heart and on this blog! Kisses and I'll see you soon, next year!
[EN] Because for some of us 2018 went with the speed of light and for others with the speed of Romanian trains, I decided to show you my favourite outfits of this year. Even if it was more or less difficult, I managed to collect of the key aspects of 2018 for you, from vacation, memories, from parties and events. It was a quite full year yet worthy to be shared with you. We all make resolutions for the next year and we plan some things that will become difficult to fulfill earlier or later, we promise ourselves that we will succeed and sometimes we get to disappoint ourselves. But there is always a solution for it. First, if we plan something, it should be in a more realistic form. For example, someone wants to travel more in 2019. Better they would say: "I'll be in Morocco (a destination that is on my wish list) in May this year. I'm looking for tickets in the first week of January ". Or someone wants to do more sports in the coming year. Better they would say: "I'll go to the gym twice a week." Of course, there are many more examples like this, but this article will not be about it. But before I present the 37 outfits, I will send you some words. I wish with all my heart that 2019 will be a year at least as nice as 2018 for everyone. And I know that not all 2018 brought good memories, but we hope that next year we will be at least as healthy now. And after health, may come the rest all your wishes. And, not least, a lot of trips !!
Iar acum, pentru ca v-am introdus in articol, sa trecem la treaba si sa luam anul la pas, cu toate evenimentele in ordine cronologica.
(And now that I have introduced you in the article, we must get to work and take this year step by step with the most important events in chronological order).
Tinuta de la Revelionul care prevestea anul, la Grosseto. Mai multe despre destinatie, gasiti aici.
(New Year's outfit from the year predicted at Grosseto. More about the destination can be found here)
La Teatrul Evreiesc de Stat. Incaltata cu cizmele peste genunchi cu toc din Italia si cu o rochita neagra de la H&M.
(Hebrew State Theater. Wearing boots over the knee from Italy and a black dress from H & M).
Prin Bucuresti cu blanita din Piazza Italia si cu pantaloni din Zara.
(Wandering in Bucharest earing Piazza Italia fur and Zara pants).
Cu salvarii luati din Istanbul(Harem pants bought in Istanbul)
Cu fusta clos si helanca intr-o culoare caramizie
Purtand rochita de la Asos si pantofi in stil oxford de la Marelbo, o firma romaneasca de buna calitate
(Wearing dress from Asos and oxford style shoes from Marelbo, a high quality Romanian brand)
Tinuta aceasta a mai aparut pe blog, mai multe gasiti aici.(More of this outfit you can find here)
Trebuia sa pun si un selfie in oglinda, de dragul trend-ului modern. Cu pantaloni H&M, un alt trend nebun al ultimilor ani.(A mirror selfie wearing H & M ripped jeans)
La Carturesti, la Piata Romana
In gradina ceainariei Green Tea, purtand ochelarii in stil cat eye de la Stradivarius
(Green Tea teahouse garden, wearing cat eye glasses from Stradivarius)
La o nunta in Curtea de Arges, purtand Just Cavalli(Wearing Just Cavalli at a wedding)
[EN]At the award ceremony of the 10th grade at the National College of Informatics "Tudor Vianu" (in case you did not know).
Poza din Rethymnon, Creta; mai multe despre aceasta destinatie gasiti aici.
(More of Rethymnon you can find here)
Poza din frumoasa Chania, cu taverne, flori roz si rochie de la Zara
(Wearing Zara dress in Chania)
La Heraklion, cu rochie achizitionata chiar de pe insula si cu gentuta de la Tommy Hilfiger.
(Tommy Hilfiger bag and a fluffy dress in Heraklion)
In Trani cu rochita Desigual, mai multe despre excursia in Italia gasiti aici.
(More about this trip where I wear Desigual dress here)
La Matera, in rochie Desigual si cu un colier asortat
(Wearing Desigual dress in Matera with a matching necklace)
La J'ai bistrot, local superb de petrecut timpul vara
La Bratislava, cu zambetul pana la urechi( Smiley picture in Bratislava)
Pe strazile Zürich-ului, cu pantaloni scurti Piazza Italia; mai multe despre ziua aceasta aici.
(Piazza Italia short pants in Zurich)
La pas in rochita prin Meersburg(Fluffy dress and a long walk in Meersburg)
La München, cu geanta din piele marocana(Morroccan leather bag wandering Munich)
Pe vapor in dantela diafana si geanta Musette(Lace dress and Musette bag on the deck)
Prima zi de clasa a 11-a, cu rochie si tenisi Tommy Hilfiger asortati(The first day of 11th grade with Tommy Hilfiger dress and sneakers matched)
O tinuta de inceput de toamna in culori inchise(The beginning of autumn in dark shades)
Tinuta aparuta recent pe blog, in articolul despre outfit-urile perfecte pentru toamna acestui an, mai mult gasiti aici.(Outfit from a recent blog post. More of this you can see here)
[RO] Aceste tinute le-am purtat la ultimele petreceri, mai mult in articolul despre petreceri.
Sper din tot sufletul ca v-a placut retrospectiva mea pe anul 2018 si astept pareri in rubrica de comentarii. De asemenea, sper ca va veti gasi ceva inspiratie in tinutele acestui an si vom pasi in noul an cu multa speranta si bucurie in suflet si pe acest blog! V-am pupat si ne vedem in curand, anul urmator!
[EN]These outfits we had at the last party, more in the article about parties.
I do hope you enjoyed my 2018 retrospective and I am waiting for your opinions in the comments box. I also hope that you will find a bit of inspiration in the outfits I have shown and we will step into the new year with great hope and joy in my heart and on this blog! Kisses and I'll see you soon, next year!
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