When I miss summer
[RO] Am ales acest titlu pentru ca acest articol este despre cateva tinute varatice si numai bune pentru diferite momente ale zilei sau ale vacantei. Desi a venit in sfarsit o vreme cat de cat calda, parca as vrea sa vina vara mai repede, mai ales stiind cate planuri am pentru aceste luni de cuptor. Insa este vizibil ca au inceput pregatiri pentru vremea calda si anume ca am schimbat hainele si cojoacele calduroase de toamna-iarna cu rochiile vaporoase si diafane pregatite sa fie purtate(parca mi-a fost dor, prea mult a tinut frigul). Fiti pregatiti, pentru ca e de abia inceputul sezonului si cu siguranta mai urmeaza articole realizate din mica mea lume, camera mea, fie cateva sfaturi pe care le aplic, idei spontane sau pregatiri de vacanta. Asa ca haideti sa incepem. Nu uitati insa de video-ul pe care l-am realizat cu aceste tinute, pentru cei interesati!! Il gasiti pe pagina mea de Instagram sau pe cea de facebook, Life in motion.
[EN]I chose this title because this article is about several summer outfits, only perfect to wear at different times of day or vacation.Although the warm weather is finally back, I wish summer could come sooner, especially because I know how many plans I have for these warm months of summer. But it is visible that I started to prepare for warm weather and I changed the fall-winter clothes with warm and loose dresses, ready to be worn (like I've missed them too much). Be prepared, because it's only the beginning of the season and there are definitely more articles to come( taken from my little world, my room: some tips that I apply too, spontaneous ideas or holiday preparations). So let's start. Remember to watch the video that I made with the outfits, for the interested ones !! You can find it on my Instagram page or on facebook, Life in motion.
[RO] 1. O tinuta de cocktail
Am ales sa asortez o rochie bine ajustata pe corp si care sa fie numai buna pentru o cina sau o seara de cocktail alaturi de cativa prieteni. Bijuteriile si accesoriile le-am asortat sa fie la fel de simple si elegante.
[EN] 1. A cocktail outfit
I chose a well adjusted to my body dress, aperfect dress for a dinner or an evening cocktail with some friends. Jewelry and accessories I've assorted to be as simple and elegant.
Rochie/Dress: Amisu
[RO] 2.O tinuta joviala
Palaria nu face parte neaparat din tinuta, am adaugat-o de dragul jocului, insa rochita in sine mi-a adus aminte de cele pe care le purtam atunci cand eram mica. Poate acele volanase sau acest model de dungi, dar sa va spun exact, nu stiu.
[EN] 2. A childish outfit
The hat is not necessarily part of the outfit, I added it just for the game, but the dress itself reminded me of the ones I used to wear when I was little. Maybe those frills or this stripes pattern, but to tell you exactly, I do not know.
Rochie/Dress: Roberto Cavalli
Geanta alba/ White Bag:Furla
Geanta maro/ Brown bag: ALDO
Sandale/ Sandals: Random store in Germany
[RO] 3. O tinuta versatila
Lantisorul lung nu era de la inceput acolo, l-am adaugat spontan, insa combinatia este una destul de fericita, dupa parerile mele. Despre rochie va spun doar atat, este pe atat de confortabila, pe cat de versatila este. Merge purtata oricand si cu orice, de la o zi banala pe strada, pana la un eveniment sau o seara cu cei dragi. Fie ca o purtati cu tocuri sau cu tenisi, cu o geanta de ocazie sau un ghiozdanel feminin, rochia este o minune cand vorbim despre cat mai multe tinute.
[EN] 3. A versatile outfit
The long necklace was not there from the beginning, I added it spontaneously, but the combination is quite good in my opinion. About this dress I will only say that:It is as comfortable, as versatile it can be. It can be worn anywhere and with anything, from an ordinary day on the street, to an event or an evening with loved ones. Whether you wear heels or sneakers, a sophisticated bag or a sporty bag, the dress is a miracle when we are talking about the amount of combinations you can make with it.
Rochie/Dress: Cache Cache
Geanta neagra/ Black bag: Vintage
Geanta portocalie/ Orange bag: red square
Bijuterii/Jewels: Random
Sandale/ Sandals: Mustang
[RO] 4. O tinuta de festival
Aceasta este dovada ca nu trebuie sa iti achizitionezi o garderoba noua pentru un eveniment ca un festival de muzica. Ci poti sa iti alegi si acele haine pe care nu le-ai purtat niciodata pentru ca nu stiai unde sa le porti. Asa am decis si eu cu aceasta rochita pentru ca pana acum nu i-am gasit oportunitatea de o purta.
[EN] 4. A festival outfit
This is the proof that you should not purchase a new wardrobe for an event like a music festival. But you can choose your clothes from those in your closet that have never been worn because you did not know where to wear them. So I decided to choose one like that by myslefwith this dress, as I have never found an opportunity to wear it.
Rochie/Dress: H&M
Cercei/ Earrings: H&M
[RO] 5. O tinuta cu aer vintage
Pentru ca in ultimul timp anii '50 imi dau impresia unei elegante asa cum nu s-a mai intalnit de atunci incoace, am zis sa realizez un outfit si pentru cei pasionati de imbracaminte vintage sau cu un aer vintage. Plus ma simt incredibil de bine purtand o asemenea tinuta delicata. In ultimele poze am decis sa adaug si brosa Chanel care sa duca tinuta la urmatorul nivel. Am ales acest colt al camerei tocmai pentru a fi in ton cu vibe-ul tinutei(mai ales calendarul cu Audrey Hepburn).
[EN] 5. A vintage atmosphere outfit
Because lately I find the 50s the most sophisticated and elegant era compared to what was after this, I said to choose an outfit for those who are passionate about vintage clothing or vintage atmosphere .Moreover, I feel incredibly feminine wearing such a delicate outfit. In the last photos, I decided to add a Chanel brooch to this outfit and I brought this outfit to the next level. I chose this corner of my room in order to be in tune with the outfit's vibe (especially the calendar with Audrey Hepburn).
Bluza & Fusta/ Blouse & Skirt: A boutique in Istanbul
Cercei/Earrings: Vintage
[RO]Aici din pacate ma opresc din palavragit la acest articol, dar cu siguranta voi reveni cat de curand posibil! Va pup pe toti si o petrecere frumoasa de 1 mai!
[EN] I am sorry to disappoint you but this is the end of the article! I promise I will be back as soon as possible! I kiss you all and I hope you have the best party for the 1st of May!
[EN]I chose this title because this article is about several summer outfits, only perfect to wear at different times of day or vacation.Although the warm weather is finally back, I wish summer could come sooner, especially because I know how many plans I have for these warm months of summer. But it is visible that I started to prepare for warm weather and I changed the fall-winter clothes with warm and loose dresses, ready to be worn (like I've missed them too much). Be prepared, because it's only the beginning of the season and there are definitely more articles to come( taken from my little world, my room: some tips that I apply too, spontaneous ideas or holiday preparations). So let's start. Remember to watch the video that I made with the outfits, for the interested ones !! You can find it on my Instagram page or on facebook, Life in motion.
[RO] 1. O tinuta de cocktail
Am ales sa asortez o rochie bine ajustata pe corp si care sa fie numai buna pentru o cina sau o seara de cocktail alaturi de cativa prieteni. Bijuteriile si accesoriile le-am asortat sa fie la fel de simple si elegante.
[EN] 1. A cocktail outfit
I chose a well adjusted to my body dress, aperfect dress for a dinner or an evening cocktail with some friends. Jewelry and accessories I've assorted to be as simple and elegant.
Rochie/Dress: Amisu
[RO] 2.O tinuta joviala
Palaria nu face parte neaparat din tinuta, am adaugat-o de dragul jocului, insa rochita in sine mi-a adus aminte de cele pe care le purtam atunci cand eram mica. Poate acele volanase sau acest model de dungi, dar sa va spun exact, nu stiu.
[EN] 2. A childish outfit
The hat is not necessarily part of the outfit, I added it just for the game, but the dress itself reminded me of the ones I used to wear when I was little. Maybe those frills or this stripes pattern, but to tell you exactly, I do not know.
Rochie/Dress: Roberto Cavalli
Geanta alba/ White Bag:Furla
Geanta maro/ Brown bag: ALDO
Sandale/ Sandals: Random store in Germany
[RO] 3. O tinuta versatila
Lantisorul lung nu era de la inceput acolo, l-am adaugat spontan, insa combinatia este una destul de fericita, dupa parerile mele. Despre rochie va spun doar atat, este pe atat de confortabila, pe cat de versatila este. Merge purtata oricand si cu orice, de la o zi banala pe strada, pana la un eveniment sau o seara cu cei dragi. Fie ca o purtati cu tocuri sau cu tenisi, cu o geanta de ocazie sau un ghiozdanel feminin, rochia este o minune cand vorbim despre cat mai multe tinute.
[EN] 3. A versatile outfit
The long necklace was not there from the beginning, I added it spontaneously, but the combination is quite good in my opinion. About this dress I will only say that:It is as comfortable, as versatile it can be. It can be worn anywhere and with anything, from an ordinary day on the street, to an event or an evening with loved ones. Whether you wear heels or sneakers, a sophisticated bag or a sporty bag, the dress is a miracle when we are talking about the amount of combinations you can make with it.
Rochie/Dress: Cache Cache
Geanta neagra/ Black bag: Vintage
Geanta portocalie/ Orange bag: red square
Bijuterii/Jewels: Random
Sandale/ Sandals: Mustang
[RO] 4. O tinuta de festival
Aceasta este dovada ca nu trebuie sa iti achizitionezi o garderoba noua pentru un eveniment ca un festival de muzica. Ci poti sa iti alegi si acele haine pe care nu le-ai purtat niciodata pentru ca nu stiai unde sa le porti. Asa am decis si eu cu aceasta rochita pentru ca pana acum nu i-am gasit oportunitatea de o purta.
[EN] 4. A festival outfit
This is the proof that you should not purchase a new wardrobe for an event like a music festival. But you can choose your clothes from those in your closet that have never been worn because you did not know where to wear them. So I decided to choose one like that by myslefwith this dress, as I have never found an opportunity to wear it.
Rochie/Dress: H&M
Cercei/ Earrings: H&M
[RO] 5. O tinuta cu aer vintage
Pentru ca in ultimul timp anii '50 imi dau impresia unei elegante asa cum nu s-a mai intalnit de atunci incoace, am zis sa realizez un outfit si pentru cei pasionati de imbracaminte vintage sau cu un aer vintage. Plus ma simt incredibil de bine purtand o asemenea tinuta delicata. In ultimele poze am decis sa adaug si brosa Chanel care sa duca tinuta la urmatorul nivel. Am ales acest colt al camerei tocmai pentru a fi in ton cu vibe-ul tinutei(mai ales calendarul cu Audrey Hepburn).
[EN] 5. A vintage atmosphere outfit
Because lately I find the 50s the most sophisticated and elegant era compared to what was after this, I said to choose an outfit for those who are passionate about vintage clothing or vintage atmosphere .Moreover, I feel incredibly feminine wearing such a delicate outfit. In the last photos, I decided to add a Chanel brooch to this outfit and I brought this outfit to the next level. I chose this corner of my room in order to be in tune with the outfit's vibe (especially the calendar with Audrey Hepburn).
Bluza & Fusta/ Blouse & Skirt: A boutique in Istanbul
Cercei/Earrings: Vintage
[RO]Aici din pacate ma opresc din palavragit la acest articol, dar cu siguranta voi reveni cat de curand posibil! Va pup pe toti si o petrecere frumoasa de 1 mai!
[EN] I am sorry to disappoint you but this is the end of the article! I promise I will be back as soon as possible! I kiss you all and I hope you have the best party for the 1st of May!
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