Cum sa simti vibratia unui Istanbul autentic | How it's like visiting Istanbul for the second time
[RO] Acest articol este dedicat celor care au mai vazut Istanbulul si cu alta ocazie(asa cum sunt si eu) pentru a le recomanda ce sa faca pentru a doua oara sau chiar pentru a treia vizita. Istanbulul este cu siguranta una dintre cele mai mare aglomerari urbane ale lumii, asa ca nu ai cum sa te plictisesti de acest oras, fie ca e prima sau a suta oara cand il vizitezi. Iar eu, pentru ca am vizitat principalele obiective ale orasului istoric, am decis sa merg si pentru a doua oara pentru a cunoaste mai in detaliu vibratia si personalitatea orasului legendar. Si s-a dovedit ca am avut dreptate, am reusit sa intram si mai bine in povestea acestui loc. Pentru cei care sunt interesati sa vada ce am facut eu prima data la Istanbul, accesati acest link.
De data aceasta am simtit orasul ceva mai schimbat si mai familiar, si ma bucur ca am reusit sa tai de pe lista anumite obiective pe care mi le propusesem inainte. Am vizitat un palat nou si am filmat pentru un proiect pentru care sunt mandra si despre care va voi povesti mai multe cand va fi gata. Asa ca pana atunci, dati mai departe in articol pentru a intra cu mine intr-o poveste de dragoste la a doua privire:)))
[EN] This article is dedicated to those who have seen Istanbul with another occasion (as me) to tell them what to do for the second time or even for a third visit. Istanbul is definitely one of the largest urban areas in the world, and that's why you won't get bored of this city, whether it is the first or the one hundredth time you visit it. And I, because I visited the main objectives of the historic city, I decided to go for the second time to know more about the personality and the vibe of this legendary city. And it proved that I was right, I managed to enter better in the story of this place. For those who are interested in seeing what I did the first time in Istanbul, click on this link. This time I felt a more changed and familiar city, and I'm glad we were able to cut from the list some goals that I had planned before. I visited a new palace and I shot for a project of wihch I am proud and about which I will tell you more when it is ready. So until then, scroll into the article to come with me in a romance at second glance :)))

[RO] 1. Intai si intai, daca nu ati facut o plimbare cu vaporasul pe Bosfor acum este momentul oportun. Iar daca ai facut deja aceasta plimbare, mai fa-o odata pentru ca vei simti altfel fiecare val, fiecare bataie de vant, cladire si peisaj pe tot de-a lungul traseului. Credeti-ma ca merita. Am realizat multe poze care sa sustina ideea.
[EN] 1. Firstly, if you have not done a boat ride on the Bosphorus, now is the appropriate time. And if you have already done this trip, do it twice because otherwise you'll feel every wave, every beat of the wind, every building and every landscape all along the route. Believe me it's worth it. I took many pictures to support the idea.
[RO] Vaporasul se poate lua de oriunde din port, iar turcii se vor tine dupa voi pana va vor face sa luati o barca, asa ca nu e un proces greu, ci mai degraba spontan. Vremea, din cate se preconiza, nu parea sa fie grozava asa ca nu puteam fi cea mai fericita, si chiar si asa am zis ca sigur va iesi soarele pentru mine. Si asa a fost.
[EN] A boat can be taken from anywhere in the harbour and the Turks will keep looking after you until you will take a boat, so it's not a hard process, but rather spontaneous. The weather, as far as expected, did not seem to be so great that's why I could not be the happiest, but, even so, I said the sun will come out for me for sure. And so it was.
[RO] Mai luati inca un pranz sub Podul Galata, pentru ca niciodata nu strica sa privesti cum vapoarele si oamenii, care striga unul la altul intr-o turca plina de sunete grave, sunt chiar langa tine.
[EN] Take another lunch under the Galata Bridge, because there is always a great opportunity to watch the boats and people, shouting at each other in full Turkish sounds, are right next to you.
[RO] 2. Asezati-va la un restaurant autentic turcesc, unde sa beti un ceai sau o cafea turceasca, sau chiar sa mancati o baklava sau un kunefe delicios
[EN] 2. Sit in an authentic Turkish restaurant, where you can drink tea or Turkish coffee, or eat a delicious baklava or kunefe
[RO] 3. Faceti poze si mergeti pe mijlocul strazii asa cum fac localnicii(Bineinteles asigurati-va ca nu trece nimeni, pentru ca nu va incurajez la rele:)
[EN] 3. Take pictures and walk on the street as locals (Of course make sure no one is driving, because I will never encourage the bad :)
[RO] 4. Mai urcati odata in turnul Galata si petreceti mai mult timp sa admirati privelistea, si nu pe fuga cum se face prima data ca sa vizitezi cat mai multe
[EN] 4. Climb the second time in Galata Tower and spend more time to admire the view, and not to hurry as you would do if it were for the first time here
[RO] 5. Faceti traseul Piata Taksim-Turnul Galata pe jos. Nu veti regreta.
[EN] 5. Walk the route Galata Tower- Taksim Square by foot. You will not regret it.
[RO] Am intrat in acest magazin boem si am simtit cum am ajuns in habitatul meu natural. Daca toate magazinele si hainele ar arata astfel...
[EN] I walked into this lovely store and I felt like I finally met my natural habitat. Only if all clothing shops would look like this ...
[RO] 6. Urcati intr-un rooftop bar pentru a bea cafeaua la inaltime(daca va place sa astepti la coada pentru un loc)
[EN] 6. Go to a rooftop bar to drink coffee at high altitude (if you like to wait in line for a place)
[RO] 7. Luati cafeaua sau micul dejun pe o terasa langa Bosfor
(I chose Turkish tea)
[RO] 8. Palatul Dolmabahce(in poza vazut de pe Bosfor)
Acest palat a fost construit la mijlocul secolului al 19-lea ca urmare a dorintei sultanilor si a turcilor in general de a se sincroniza din punct de vedere cultural cu Occidentul. Imperiul Otoman suferea o criza economica si politica de mai bine de un secol, astfel ca o revolutie pe toate planurile era mai mult decat necesara. Asa s-a creat palatul Dolmabahce, impunator si deschis catre lumea larga(asa cum se observa si din pozitionarea sa langa mare). Din punct de vedere arhitectural, acesta impresioneaza prin combinatia perfecta dintre occident si orient, comparandu-l cu Topkapi care a reprezentat arhitectura medievala ideala a turcilor.
[EN] 8. Dolmabahce Palace (picture seen from Bosphorus)
This palace was built in the mid 19th century as a result of the desire of the Turkish sultans and people to culturally synchronize with the West.The Ottoman Empire suffered a political and economic crisis for more than a century, so a revolution at all levels was more than necessary. That was how Dolmabahce palace wascreated, imposing and open to the wider world (as seen also from its position near the sea). In terms of architecture, it impresses with its perfect combination of East and West, comparing it to the Topkapi which represents the ideal Turkish medieval architecture.
(The sultan's chambers)
[RO] In acest hol principal se afla tronul sultanului si candelabrul de cristal care cantareste 4,5 tone si care a fost oferit cadou Imperiului Otoman de catre insasi Regina Victoria a Marii Britanii.
[EN] In this main hall there is the sultan's throne and a crystal chandelier weighing 4.5 tons that was offered as a gift to the Ottoman Empire by Queen Victoria of Great Britain herself.
Si am ajuns si la aceasta poarta cu adevarat impresionanta
De asemenea, am ocolit curtea palatului
In curtea castelului se cresc gaini, un cocos si bibilici, a fost interesant sa vad cum se plimba liber
(In the palace courtyard there are chickens, roosters and guinea fowls, it was interesting to see how these animals walk freely)
Dupa frumosul palat Dolmabahce, am luat un ultim pranz sub podul Galata si am mers incet spre aeroport.
(After visiting the magnificent Dolmabahce Palace, I ate lunch for the last time under the Galata bridge)
Platou cu diferite aperitive: humus, iaurt cu ceapa, iaurt cu diferite condimente si menta, salata beouf, salata a la russe, o salata de rosii iuti si sarmale de orez cu scortisoara si nuca in foi de vita si apoi supa.
(Flatbread with different starters: hummus, yogurt with onions, yogurt with various spices and mint, beouf lettuce, peppers and tomatoes, rice rolls with cinnamon and walnuts aand then soup for lunch)
[RO] Si uitati asa am ajuns la aeroport, fericita ca am gustat si mi-am umplut sufletul cu energia fara de margini a Istanbulului. Este un oras galagios si de ceva mai aglomerat decat Bucurestiul(da, se poate). Pentru cei care sunteti pregatiti sa vedeti o cultura diferita de tot ce ati vazut pana acum, Turcia ar trebui sa fie sigur pe lista. Iar Istanbul este un contrast, uneori superb, alteori suparator, intre Orientul Mijlociu si Europa. Asa ca va invit si pe voi sa luati primul avion sau primul autocar, pentru ca daca sunteti bucuresteni, veti ajunge mai repede decat credeti la aceasta destinatie demna de doua continente. Am realizat un Travel IGTV pe care il puteti viziona pe pagina mea de Instagram si pe pagina mea de facebook Life in motion. V-am pupat!
[EN] Now look how I arrived at the airport, glad that I tasted and I had my soul filled with boundless energy of Istanbul. It is a more noisy and crowded city than Bucharest (yes, there is such a thing). For those who are ready to see a different culture from anything you've seen before, Turkey should be on the list. And Istanbul is a contrast, sometimes beautiful, sometimes disturbing, between the Middle East and Europe. So come on and take the first flight or the first bus, because if you are from Bucharest, you will arrive sooner than you think to this worthy of two continents destination. I uploaded a Travel IGTV that you can watch on my Instagram page and on my facebook page Life in motion. I kiss you all!
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