2019 Lookbook: Cum purtam gentile colorate?
[RO]Cine nu mai vrea iarna sa ridice mana! Eu sunt una dintre oamenii care ridica mana, desigur, insa, cu acest articol de astazi voi incerca pe cat posibil sa va induc o stare buna si bucurie de viata. Precum titlul va sugereaza, va voi prezenta combinatiile mele preferate pe care le-am facut cu gentile colorate, anumite sfaturi legate de culori si cum le purtam, dar si o "carte" a tinutelor. Outfit-urile de astazi nu au neaparata legatura cu iarna, ci sunt tinute care pot fi purtate pe tot de-a lungul anului. Mitul negrului care se asorteaza cu orice si culori ca turcoaz, fucsia, cognac, corai, liliachiu vor fi parte din discutia de astazi. Insa, inainte sa intram in paine si sa vorbim pe indelete despre acest subiect, care poate fi delicat pe alocuri datorita diferentelor de gusturi dintre oameni, doresc sa va informez ca si eu la randul meu m-am inspirat de la alte femei care au mai multa legatura cu subiectul decat mine. Consider ca acest articol este pur si simplu o modelare personala a propriului stil si gust asupra discutiei culorilor si nu este general valabila pentru toti. De exemplu, din punct de vedere matematic, rosu si roz sunt o combinatie placuta ochiului uman, dar mie personal imi displace si nu ma vad purtand asa ceva pe strada. Anumite bloggerite de moda nu recomanda combinatia de galben cu negru, insa mie mi se pare una destul de fericita(asa cum puteti vedea in imaginea de mai jos), daca stim sa "injectam" culoarea cum trebuie.
[EN]Who does not want winter to raise your hands! I am one of the people to raise the hands, of course, but this article today I will try as much as possible to induce a good mood and joy of life. As the title suggests, I will present my favorite combinations that I made with colored bags, some advice about colors and how they behave, but a "book" of outfits. Outfit sites today are not necessarily related to the winter, they are kept that can be worn all throughout the year. Black myth that goes with anything and colors like turquoise, fuchsia, cognac, coral, lilac will be part of the discussion today. But before getting into bread and talk at length about this subject that can be delicate at times due to differences in tastes of people, I want to inform you that and I in my turn I was inspired by other women who have more experience about the subject than I do. I think this article is simply modeling my own personal style and taste of colors and discussion is not generally available to all. For example, mathematically, red and pink are a pleasant combination for the human eye, but I personally dislike to see me wearing it on the street. Some fashion bloggers do not recommend the combination of yellow and black, but to me it seems quite happy(as you can see in the picture below), if we know how to "inject" colours properly.
[RO]Sa stiti ca nu am ales aleatoriu cele trei poze. Initial, voiam ca prima poza sa fie in cele trei culori(trei culori cunosc pe lume) rosu, galben si albastru. Insa, mi-am dat seama ca mai bine ar trebui sa pun trei poze in cele trei tipuri de culori: primare, secundare si tertiare. Galbenul este o culoare primara(cele trei culori primare fiind cele prezente pe steagul Romaniei), verdele este o culoare secundara, fiind obtinuta din combinatia dintre galben si albastru, iar acest frumos coniac din a treia poza este tertiar, a fost obtinut din combinatia dintre o culoare primara si una secundara. Desigur, puteti observa aceste culori la genti, acestea fiind subiectul de azi. Si stiu ca am trancanit mult, dar pentru o intelegere mai buna a acestei teorii pe care desigur ati auzit-o la orele de desen, va voi prezenta un cerc.
[EN] Know that we randomly selected three pictures. Initially, I wanted to be the first picture in three colors (three colors I'm acquainted) red, yellow and blue. But I realized that better should put three pictures in three color groups: primary, secondary and tertiary. Yellow is a primary color (the three primary colors is the present flag of Romania), green is a secondary color, is obtained from the combination of yellow and blue, and this beautiful brandy third picture is tertiary, was obtained from the combination of a primary color and one secondary. Of course, you can see these colors in bags, which are subject today. And I know I chatt a lot, but for a better understanding of this theory which of course you have heard from art classes, I will present a circle.
[RO]Aceasta imagine explica cel mai bine ceea ce am incercat si voi incerca in continuare sa va prezint. In partea din stanga se afla culorile calde, iar in cea dreapta se afla culorile calde. Insa inainte sa ne punem pe cumparat genti, ar fi bine sa ne descoperim pigmentatia:rece, calda sau neutra.
Te bronzezi usor, pielea ta are un aspect galbui si venele tale au o culoare deschisa? Inseamna ca ai o pigmentatie calda. Te inrosesti cand stai la soare, pielea ta are un aspect de portelan, iar venele tale au o culoare inchisa(albastru inchis)? Inseamna ca ai pigmentatie rece. Esti o combinatie intre acestea? Inseamna ca ai o pigmentatie neutra, asa cum am si eu. Pentru pigmentatia calda, sunt recomndate hainele in culori deschise, precum rosu, oranj, galben, roz. Pentru cea rece se potrivesc culorile din spectrul opus, ca albastru, verde, violet. Desigur, daca esti neutru, ai acces la o scara mai larga de culori.
Acum ca am facut un rezumat a ceea ce ar trebui sa ne puna in valoare carnatia, haideti sa trecem la lookbook. Dar scrieti-mi in comentarii daca aveti nevoie de mai multe informatii sau de inspiratie!
[EN]This image best explains what I tried and I still try to present. On the left side are the warm colors, and the right is cold colors. But before we put the bags bought would be good to find pigmentation: cold, warm or neutral. You tan easily, your skin looks yellow and veins have a light color? Pigmentation means you warm. Red when you sit in the sun, your skin looks porcelain and veins have a dark color (dark blue)? Pigmentation means you cold. You are a combination of these? Means of pigmentation neutral as I do. For pigmentation warm clothing are strongly recommend bright colors such as red, orange, yellow, pink. For the cold fit opposite colour spectrum as blue, green, purple. Of course, if you're neutral, you have access to a larger scale of colours. Now I made a summary of how we should highlight the skin, let's get to the lookbook. But write me in comments if you need more information or inspiration!
1.Geanta galbena si nuantele acesteia
[RO] Culoarea acestei genti este un galben-verzui si am ales sa o asortez cu negru si cu un galben pal. De asemenea, din aceasta tinuta reiese oarecum un sfat pe care vreau sa vi-l dau. Pentru un outfit safe si pentru cei/cele care nu vor sa experimenteze atatea culori, cel mai bine este sa purtati haine in aceiasi culoare, dar in nuante diferite, iar proportiile sa fie respectate( NU mai mult de trei culori, iar acestea sa fie intr-o proportie de 60-70%, 20% si 10%).
[EN]The color of this bag is yellow-green and I chose to go with a black and yellow. Also, it appears somewhat outfit advice that I give it to you. For an outfit safe for those who want to experience so many colours, it is best to wear clothes in the same colour but in different shades and proportions are respected (no more than three colors, and they are in a proportion of 60-70%, 20% and 10%).
Fusta/Skirt: ZARA
Pulover/Pullover: Vintage
[RO] Geanta maro cognac am ales sa o combin cu negru si cu maro, culori care se potrivesc cromatic. De asemenea, un sfat important este legat de acel cerc al culorilor. De obicei, culori care se afla in proximitate se inteleg cel mai bine, iar cele care sunt opuse pe cerc(complementare) sunt combinatii de care trebuie sa ne ferim. In ultima poza am ales o geanta maro, de unde puteti observa ca negrul se potriveste foarte bine cu nuantele mai inchise de violet, albastru, maro.
[EN]Cognac brown bag I decided to combine it with black and brown colours that match the first colour. Also, an important tip is related to the circle of colors. Usually the colors that are in proximity along best, and those that are opposite on the circle (complementary) are combinations that must guard against. In the last picture I chose a brown bag, where you can see that black goes well with darker shades of purplem blue or brown.
Geanta/Bag:Made in Italy
Geanta/Bag:Handmade in Morrocco
[RO]O a doua tinuta cu aceeasi geanta este cu acest costum inspirat din anii 70' pe care il ador si care se afla in aceeasi arie cromatica, un maro luminos.
[EN]A second outfit is held with the same bag and with a suit inspired by the 70 's which I love and which is in the same colour area, a bright brown.
Geanta/Bag:Made in Italy
Cercei/Earrings: Bershka
Ghete/Shoes:Fashion Days
Ceas/Watch:Just Cavalli
[RO]Daca va este greu sa va dati seama care este galbenul pur, aceasta geanta este galben, galben. Unele bloggerite spun ca aceasta combinatie le aduce aminte de o albina, mie imi place la nebunie.
[EN]If you find it difficult to figure out which is pure yellow, this bag is the pure yellow. Some bloggers say that this combination reminds of a bee, but I like it so much!!
Geanta/Bag:Made in Italy
2.Geanta portocalie
[RO]Iubesc combinatia portocaliu(sau oranj)-negru, mi se pare interesanta si care pune accentul pe geanta, cu toate ca negrul o mai domoleste. Culoarea aceasta este destul de in your face ca sa o combini cu alte culori la fel de tipatoare.
[EN]I love the combination of orange-black, I find it interesting that it emphasizes the bag, although black may subsides.This color is quite in your face as to combine with other colours as gaudy.
[RO] Am ales o tinuta rock-chic care sa evidentieze geanta, pentru al doilea outfit.
[EN] I chose a rock-chic outfit to emphazise the bag, for a second oufit.
3.Geanta roz si nude
[RO] Geanta asta nude se potriveste oricand, oriunde si cu orice. Este mica, simpla si foarte eleganta, forma si materialul fiind principalii factori care ii dau aceasta alura misterioasa. Am combinat-o cu o rochie liliachie si cu cizmele negre peste genunchi. Aceasta tinuta respecta aproximativ proportiile culorilor dintr-o tinuta si este perfecta pentru acelea dintre voi care nu doriti sa iesiti in evidenta prin nuante mai stridente.
[EN]This bag fits nude anytime, anywhere and with anything. It is small, simple and very elegant, shape and material are the main factors that give this mysterious allure. I combined it with a lilac dress and knee-high black boots. This outfit respects the proportions and colours and is perfect for those of you who want to stand out in sharper tones.
Rochie/Dress: Vintage
Geanta/Bag: Musette
[RO]Pentru aceasta tinuta am ales fusta liliachie sa fie intr-o proportie de aproximativ 30% din intreaga tinuta. Am combinat-o tot cu negru si cu nude si cu un mic punct turcoaz pe colier.
[EN]For this lilac skirt outfit I chose it to be in a proportion of about 30% of the entire outfit. I combined it all in black and nude; the turquoise necklace is a small injection.
Colier/Necklace:Handmade in Uk
[RO] Am asortat aceeasi tinuta cu geanta aceasta intr-un roz pal delicios.
[EN] I matched the same outfit with this delicious pale pink bag.
4.Geanta verde
[RO] Prin aceasta tinuta am vrut sa accentuez insertiile de verde de pe vesta, care se combina genial cu aceasta geanta mica verde. De asemenea, verdele cu galbenul sunt o combinatie reusita si din punct de vedere matematic, asa ca nu putem decat sa fim voiosi purtand acest outfit.
[EN]With This outfit I wanted to emphasize the green vest inserts, which combine with the brilliant green small bag. Also, green and yellow are a successful combination and in mathematical terms, so we can only be cheerful wearing this outfit.
Geanta/Beg:Made in Italy
[RO] Am combinat aceeasi tinuta cu alta geanta verde , care deja avea o parte neagra.
[EN] The same outfit with this big half-green, half-black bag.
5.Geanta albastra
[RO]Am ales de data aceasta o tinuta casual, de mers prin parc sau la film, insa aceste accente albastre aduc outfit-ul la un alt nivel.
[EN]I chose this time a casual outfit, for park or a film, but these blue accents are bringing the outfit to the next level.
Geanta/Bag:Tommy Hilfiger
Bluza/Top:Made in Italy
Ghete/Boots:Tommy Hilfiger
6.Geanta rosie
[RO]Sa fiu sincera cu voi, daca aceasta geanta nu era asa mica si delicata, nu era de varsta mea. De asemenea, daca puteti observa si aici exista o insertie de rosu pe haina, asa cum am vazut si la tinuta verde. De unii bloggeri, combinatia de rosu si negru este considerata demodata, insa pentru mine este una dintre acele arme de seductie care nu se demodeaza niciodata. Cu fusta nu va mai bat la cap, ati tot vazut-o, este una dintre preferatele mele.
[EN]To be honest with you, if the bag was not so small and delicate, it was not the one for me. Also, if you can see here there is a flesh-red coat, as we saw at the green outfit. For some bloggers, the combination of red and black is considered old-fashioned, but for me is one of those weapons of seduction that never gets old. The skirt will stop pestering, you've seen it, it's one of my favorites.
Helanca/ Turtleneck:ZARA
[RO]Aici se afla toate gentile pe care le-am incercat, cu exceptia uneia, si anume cea corai, care este recomandat sa o purtam vara cu rochite albe. In rest, stiti voi, like si comment! Sper ca v-am indus bucurie de viata cu asemenea culori superbe si ne vedem in curand cu multe altele! Pupici!!
[EN]Here are all cases that I have tried except one, namely the coral, which is recommended to wear with some white summer dress. Otherwise, you know, like and comment! I hope I have also induced joy of life with brilliant colour and see you soon with more! Many kisses!!
[EN]Who does not want winter to raise your hands! I am one of the people to raise the hands, of course, but this article today I will try as much as possible to induce a good mood and joy of life. As the title suggests, I will present my favorite combinations that I made with colored bags, some advice about colors and how they behave, but a "book" of outfits. Outfit sites today are not necessarily related to the winter, they are kept that can be worn all throughout the year. Black myth that goes with anything and colors like turquoise, fuchsia, cognac, coral, lilac will be part of the discussion today. But before getting into bread and talk at length about this subject that can be delicate at times due to differences in tastes of people, I want to inform you that and I in my turn I was inspired by other women who have more experience about the subject than I do. I think this article is simply modeling my own personal style and taste of colors and discussion is not generally available to all. For example, mathematically, red and pink are a pleasant combination for the human eye, but I personally dislike to see me wearing it on the street. Some fashion bloggers do not recommend the combination of yellow and black, but to me it seems quite happy(as you can see in the picture below), if we know how to "inject" colours properly.
[RO]Sa stiti ca nu am ales aleatoriu cele trei poze. Initial, voiam ca prima poza sa fie in cele trei culori(trei culori cunosc pe lume) rosu, galben si albastru. Insa, mi-am dat seama ca mai bine ar trebui sa pun trei poze in cele trei tipuri de culori: primare, secundare si tertiare. Galbenul este o culoare primara(cele trei culori primare fiind cele prezente pe steagul Romaniei), verdele este o culoare secundara, fiind obtinuta din combinatia dintre galben si albastru, iar acest frumos coniac din a treia poza este tertiar, a fost obtinut din combinatia dintre o culoare primara si una secundara. Desigur, puteti observa aceste culori la genti, acestea fiind subiectul de azi. Si stiu ca am trancanit mult, dar pentru o intelegere mai buna a acestei teorii pe care desigur ati auzit-o la orele de desen, va voi prezenta un cerc.
[EN] Know that we randomly selected three pictures. Initially, I wanted to be the first picture in three colors (three colors I'm acquainted) red, yellow and blue. But I realized that better should put three pictures in three color groups: primary, secondary and tertiary. Yellow is a primary color (the three primary colors is the present flag of Romania), green is a secondary color, is obtained from the combination of yellow and blue, and this beautiful brandy third picture is tertiary, was obtained from the combination of a primary color and one secondary. Of course, you can see these colors in bags, which are subject today. And I know I chatt a lot, but for a better understanding of this theory which of course you have heard from art classes, I will present a circle.
[RO]Aceasta imagine explica cel mai bine ceea ce am incercat si voi incerca in continuare sa va prezint. In partea din stanga se afla culorile calde, iar in cea dreapta se afla culorile calde. Insa inainte sa ne punem pe cumparat genti, ar fi bine sa ne descoperim pigmentatia:rece, calda sau neutra.
Te bronzezi usor, pielea ta are un aspect galbui si venele tale au o culoare deschisa? Inseamna ca ai o pigmentatie calda. Te inrosesti cand stai la soare, pielea ta are un aspect de portelan, iar venele tale au o culoare inchisa(albastru inchis)? Inseamna ca ai pigmentatie rece. Esti o combinatie intre acestea? Inseamna ca ai o pigmentatie neutra, asa cum am si eu. Pentru pigmentatia calda, sunt recomndate hainele in culori deschise, precum rosu, oranj, galben, roz. Pentru cea rece se potrivesc culorile din spectrul opus, ca albastru, verde, violet. Desigur, daca esti neutru, ai acces la o scara mai larga de culori.
Acum ca am facut un rezumat a ceea ce ar trebui sa ne puna in valoare carnatia, haideti sa trecem la lookbook. Dar scrieti-mi in comentarii daca aveti nevoie de mai multe informatii sau de inspiratie!
[EN]This image best explains what I tried and I still try to present. On the left side are the warm colors, and the right is cold colors. But before we put the bags bought would be good to find pigmentation: cold, warm or neutral. You tan easily, your skin looks yellow and veins have a light color? Pigmentation means you warm. Red when you sit in the sun, your skin looks porcelain and veins have a dark color (dark blue)? Pigmentation means you cold. You are a combination of these? Means of pigmentation neutral as I do. For pigmentation warm clothing are strongly recommend bright colors such as red, orange, yellow, pink. For the cold fit opposite colour spectrum as blue, green, purple. Of course, if you're neutral, you have access to a larger scale of colours. Now I made a summary of how we should highlight the skin, let's get to the lookbook. But write me in comments if you need more information or inspiration!
1.Geanta galbena si nuantele acesteia
[RO] Culoarea acestei genti este un galben-verzui si am ales sa o asortez cu negru si cu un galben pal. De asemenea, din aceasta tinuta reiese oarecum un sfat pe care vreau sa vi-l dau. Pentru un outfit safe si pentru cei/cele care nu vor sa experimenteze atatea culori, cel mai bine este sa purtati haine in aceiasi culoare, dar in nuante diferite, iar proportiile sa fie respectate( NU mai mult de trei culori, iar acestea sa fie intr-o proportie de 60-70%, 20% si 10%).
[EN]The color of this bag is yellow-green and I chose to go with a black and yellow. Also, it appears somewhat outfit advice that I give it to you. For an outfit safe for those who want to experience so many colours, it is best to wear clothes in the same colour but in different shades and proportions are respected (no more than three colors, and they are in a proportion of 60-70%, 20% and 10%).
Fusta/Skirt: ZARA
Pulover/Pullover: Vintage
[RO] Geanta maro cognac am ales sa o combin cu negru si cu maro, culori care se potrivesc cromatic. De asemenea, un sfat important este legat de acel cerc al culorilor. De obicei, culori care se afla in proximitate se inteleg cel mai bine, iar cele care sunt opuse pe cerc(complementare) sunt combinatii de care trebuie sa ne ferim. In ultima poza am ales o geanta maro, de unde puteti observa ca negrul se potriveste foarte bine cu nuantele mai inchise de violet, albastru, maro.
[EN]Cognac brown bag I decided to combine it with black and brown colours that match the first colour. Also, an important tip is related to the circle of colors. Usually the colors that are in proximity along best, and those that are opposite on the circle (complementary) are combinations that must guard against. In the last picture I chose a brown bag, where you can see that black goes well with darker shades of purplem blue or brown.
Geanta/Bag:Made in Italy
Geanta/Bag:Handmade in Morrocco
[RO]O a doua tinuta cu aceeasi geanta este cu acest costum inspirat din anii 70' pe care il ador si care se afla in aceeasi arie cromatica, un maro luminos.
[EN]A second outfit is held with the same bag and with a suit inspired by the 70 's which I love and which is in the same colour area, a bright brown.
Geanta/Bag:Made in Italy
Cercei/Earrings: Bershka
Ghete/Shoes:Fashion Days
Ceas/Watch:Just Cavalli
[RO]Daca va este greu sa va dati seama care este galbenul pur, aceasta geanta este galben, galben. Unele bloggerite spun ca aceasta combinatie le aduce aminte de o albina, mie imi place la nebunie.
[EN]If you find it difficult to figure out which is pure yellow, this bag is the pure yellow. Some bloggers say that this combination reminds of a bee, but I like it so much!!
Geanta/Bag:Made in Italy
2.Geanta portocalie
[RO]Iubesc combinatia portocaliu(sau oranj)-negru, mi se pare interesanta si care pune accentul pe geanta, cu toate ca negrul o mai domoleste. Culoarea aceasta este destul de in your face ca sa o combini cu alte culori la fel de tipatoare.
[EN]I love the combination of orange-black, I find it interesting that it emphasizes the bag, although black may subsides.This color is quite in your face as to combine with other colours as gaudy.
[RO] Am ales o tinuta rock-chic care sa evidentieze geanta, pentru al doilea outfit.
[EN] I chose a rock-chic outfit to emphazise the bag, for a second oufit.
3.Geanta roz si nude
[RO] Geanta asta nude se potriveste oricand, oriunde si cu orice. Este mica, simpla si foarte eleganta, forma si materialul fiind principalii factori care ii dau aceasta alura misterioasa. Am combinat-o cu o rochie liliachie si cu cizmele negre peste genunchi. Aceasta tinuta respecta aproximativ proportiile culorilor dintr-o tinuta si este perfecta pentru acelea dintre voi care nu doriti sa iesiti in evidenta prin nuante mai stridente.
[EN]This bag fits nude anytime, anywhere and with anything. It is small, simple and very elegant, shape and material are the main factors that give this mysterious allure. I combined it with a lilac dress and knee-high black boots. This outfit respects the proportions and colours and is perfect for those of you who want to stand out in sharper tones.
Rochie/Dress: Vintage
Geanta/Bag: Musette
[RO]Pentru aceasta tinuta am ales fusta liliachie sa fie intr-o proportie de aproximativ 30% din intreaga tinuta. Am combinat-o tot cu negru si cu nude si cu un mic punct turcoaz pe colier.
[EN]For this lilac skirt outfit I chose it to be in a proportion of about 30% of the entire outfit. I combined it all in black and nude; the turquoise necklace is a small injection.
Colier/Necklace:Handmade in Uk
[RO] Am asortat aceeasi tinuta cu geanta aceasta intr-un roz pal delicios.
[EN] I matched the same outfit with this delicious pale pink bag.
4.Geanta verde
[RO] Prin aceasta tinuta am vrut sa accentuez insertiile de verde de pe vesta, care se combina genial cu aceasta geanta mica verde. De asemenea, verdele cu galbenul sunt o combinatie reusita si din punct de vedere matematic, asa ca nu putem decat sa fim voiosi purtand acest outfit.
[EN]With This outfit I wanted to emphasize the green vest inserts, which combine with the brilliant green small bag. Also, green and yellow are a successful combination and in mathematical terms, so we can only be cheerful wearing this outfit.
Geanta/Beg:Made in Italy
[RO] Am combinat aceeasi tinuta cu alta geanta verde , care deja avea o parte neagra.
[EN] The same outfit with this big half-green, half-black bag.
5.Geanta albastra
[RO]Am ales de data aceasta o tinuta casual, de mers prin parc sau la film, insa aceste accente albastre aduc outfit-ul la un alt nivel.
[EN]I chose this time a casual outfit, for park or a film, but these blue accents are bringing the outfit to the next level.
Geanta/Bag:Tommy Hilfiger
Bluza/Top:Made in Italy
Ghete/Boots:Tommy Hilfiger
6.Geanta rosie
[RO]Sa fiu sincera cu voi, daca aceasta geanta nu era asa mica si delicata, nu era de varsta mea. De asemenea, daca puteti observa si aici exista o insertie de rosu pe haina, asa cum am vazut si la tinuta verde. De unii bloggeri, combinatia de rosu si negru este considerata demodata, insa pentru mine este una dintre acele arme de seductie care nu se demodeaza niciodata. Cu fusta nu va mai bat la cap, ati tot vazut-o, este una dintre preferatele mele.
[EN]To be honest with you, if the bag was not so small and delicate, it was not the one for me. Also, if you can see here there is a flesh-red coat, as we saw at the green outfit. For some bloggers, the combination of red and black is considered old-fashioned, but for me is one of those weapons of seduction that never gets old. The skirt will stop pestering, you've seen it, it's one of my favorites.
Helanca/ Turtleneck:ZARA
[RO]Aici se afla toate gentile pe care le-am incercat, cu exceptia uneia, si anume cea corai, care este recomandat sa o purtam vara cu rochite albe. In rest, stiti voi, like si comment! Sper ca v-am indus bucurie de viata cu asemenea culori superbe si ne vedem in curand cu multe altele! Pupici!!
[EN]Here are all cases that I have tried except one, namely the coral, which is recommended to wear with some white summer dress. Otherwise, you know, like and comment! I hope I have also induced joy of life with brilliant colour and see you soon with more! Many kisses!!
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