Muzeul Zeppelin din Friedrichshafen si altele
[RO]In articolul de astazi, va voi prezenta ultimele destinatii pe care le-am vizitat in aceasta lunga calatorie din luna august a acestui an. Promit ca nu va mai bat la cap, pentru ca stiu ca a venit iarna pe la geamuri, iar eu va vorbesc despre vara. Astfel ca, acest articol va avea istorie, tehnica, dar si plimbari si relaxare de vara. In prima instanta, va voi arata o plimbare racoroasa de dimineata in oraselul Lindau, din Germania, apoi relaxare la plaja in Bregenz, Austria si in final o vizita la muzeul Zeppelin din Friedrichshafen, Germania. Si pentru ca sunt multe de povestit, hai sa trecem la treaba.
[EN]In today's article, I will present the latest destinations that we visited on this long journey in August this year. I promise I will not make things longer, because I know that winter came on the windows, and I will talk about summer. So, this article will be history, technique, and walking and relaxing summer.In the first instance, I will show you a cool morning walk in the town of Lindau, Germany, then relaxing at the beach in Bregenz, Austria, and finally a visit to the Zeppelin Museum Friedrichshafen, Germany. And there are many stories to tell, let's get to work.
O prima poza, in Friedrichshafen, unde am vizitat intai muzeul si apoi am urcat aici pentru poze faine
[EN]The first picture in Friedrichshafen, where we visited the museum first and then I came up here for cool pictures
[RO]In Lindau, am mers pe insula, unde ne-am plimbat prin port si prin centrul lor, cochet si cumintel, care m-a trezit usor, usor cu racoarea sa de dimineata.
[EN]In Lindau, we went to the island, where we walked through the gates and their center, stylish and reasonable that woke me up slowly, slowly with his morning chill.
Portul mi-a dat o stare buna si m-a facut sa ma simt fresh inca din primul moment
[EN]The harbour gave me a good mood and made me feel fresh from this first moment
[RO]Aici imi trecea un zeppelin deasupra capului. Din Friedrichshafen exista un fel de aeroport de zeppeline, de unde turistii pot zbura cu unul din acestea, pentru jumatate de ora deasupra lacului Konstanz. Cel mai ieftin "zbor" este de 200 de euro de persoana si preturile se pot intinde pana la 900 de euro de persoana; depinde doar de timpul de zbor pe care il veti alege. Eu sunt sigura ca mai exista si in alte parti ale Germaniei asa ceva, insa nu va pot spune cu certitudine alt loc. Astfel ca, Friedrichshafen este aproape de Lindau, iar zeppelinele pot fi observate cu usurinta de aici, Asa ca daca va doriti experienta unui zbor cu zeppelinul, zona lacului Konstanz este recomandarea mea.
[EN]Here passed a zeppelin overhead. In Friedrichshafen airport there was some kind of zeppelins, where tourists can fly to one of them for half an hour over Lake Konstanz. The cheapest "flight" is 200 euros per person and prices can range up to 900 euros per person; It depends only on flying time that you will choose. I'm sure there are other parts of Germany where you can have a Zeppelin flight experience, but I cannot say certainty elsewhere. So, Friedrichshafen is close to Lindau and Zeppelins can be seen easily here, so if you want the experience of a zeppelin flight, the Lake Constance is my recommendation.
Am si intrat in mica catedrala
(I went to this cathedral as well)
[RO] Aici plecase un vapor:))
Ei bine, dupa aceasta plimbare relaxanta, am mers la o plaja improvizata pe lacul Konstanz unde am avut parte de cateva ore departe de orice aglomeratie urbana. Frumos amenajata si avand toate conditiile pentru o zi petrecuta la soare, plaja din Bregenz, Austria ne-a relaxat total, platind 10 euro pentru intreaga zi, in acesti bani fiind incluse sezlonguri, vestiare, bai, loc de joaca pentru copii. Exista si o terasa pentru cei care petrec mai mult timp acolo.
[EN]There was leaving a boat :)) Well, after this relaxing walk, I went to a makeshift beach on Lake Constance where we had a few hours away from any urban agglomeration. Beautifully decorated and with all the conditions for a sunny day at the beach in Bregenz, Austria we had a blast, paying 10 euros for the whole day, money included lounges, locker rooms, bathrooms, playground for children. There is also a terrace for those who spend more time there.
[RO] Cele cateva ore petrecute in natura ne-au pregatit pentru vizita la muzeul Zeppelin, care ne-a impresionat si pe care il recomand celor pasionati de istoria acestui mijloc de transport, fiind ceva mai accesibil decat zborul cu zeppelinul in sine.
[EN]The few hours spent in nature have prepared us for visiting the Zeppelin Museum, which impressed us and which I recommend to those who are passionate about the history of transportation, being something more affordable than flying the Zeppelin itself.
In drum spre muzeu, am dat de aceasta familie fericita:)))
(On the way to the museum, I came across with this happy family :))) )
[RO] Muzeul se invarte in jurul povestii dezastrului Hindenburg, insa prezinta si o viziune mai optimista, adica exact ce au facut inginerii ca un eveniment dezastruos de acest fel sa nu mai existe. De asemenea, veti observa evolutia zeppelinelor si modele reprezentative. In cele din urma, muzeul a recreat interiorul Hindenburg-ului in marime naturala.
[EN]The museum revolves around the tragic story of Hindenburg, but has a more optimistic view, exactly what engineers did to make sure that a disastrous event of this kind will not happen again. Also, you will see the evolution of zeppelins and representative models. Finally, the museum has recreated the inside of Hindenburg's life-size.
O poza reprezentativa a celui de-al Doilea Razboi Mondial, in care este surprins Hindeburg in compania acestor femei puternice
(A representative picture of the Second World War, was shot in the company of these strong women)
Din interiorul Hindenburg, in marime naturala, exact cum v-am precizat mai devreme
[RO] Aici, in aceste vitrine, se afla ramasite din zeppelinul care a suferit aceasta tragedie. Pe mine m-a impresionat sa pot sa am sansa sa aflu mai multe despre acest fapt istoric.
[EN]Here, in these showcases are remnants of the zeppelin which suffered this tragedy. I was impressed to be able to have the chance to learn more about this historical fact.
Aici ni se explicau anumite detalii tehnice ale Hindenburg-ului
(Here some technical details of Hindenburg's were explained)
[RO]Si uitati asa am plecat de la muzeul Zeppelin, impresionant chiar si pentru cei care nu au o pasiune speciala pentru inginerie. Si cred ca printre acestia ma aflu si eu, insa daca toate cartile de stiinte si orele de la scoala ar fi atat de interactive si atat de bine puse la punct, ar atrage mult mai multa lume spre inventii, adica o creativitate stiintifica.
[EN]And this is how I left the museum Zeppelin, an impressive museum even for those who have not a special passion for engineering. And I think I am one of them myself, but if all science books and school hours would be so interactive and so well developed, it would attract a lot more people to inventions, to scientific creativity.
Am urcat in acel turn, daca imi dati voie sa il numesc asa. Creat in tema cu povestea oraselului, privelistea de ansamblu pe care o ofera acesta a fost modul perfect de a ne incheia ziua.
(I climbed that tower, if you allow me to call it so. Created familiar with the story of the small town, the overall view that provides this little tower was the perfect way to end the day )
Aici mi se vede bucuria de a face miscare pana in varful constructiei din otel
[RO]In ultimul articolul din calatoria aceasta, va afisez o tinuta non-conformista si un par blond, pe care nu l-ati mai putut observa in articolul anterior despre tinutele de toamna, asa ca bucurati-va de ultimele momente de glorie ale parului meu vopsit blond. As putea scrie un articol despre evolutia tunsorilor mele? Daca sunteti incantati de idee, scrieti-mi in comentarii.
[EN]In the last article in this journey, as you can see I am wearing a non-conformist outfit and blond hair, that is not present in the previous article about autumn outfits, so enjoy the last moments of glory of my dyed blond hair. I could write an article about the evolution of my haircuts? If you are excited about the idea, write me in comments.
Cred ca farmecul acestui turn sunt lacatele de dragoste
Muzeul Zeppelin pe dinafara
[RO] Astfel imi iau la revedere de la calatoria din august oficial pe blog, in stil mare. Pot spune ca o concluzie, ca aceasta experienta de viata mi-a intregit orizontul european si ca pot aduce o schimbare acasa cu lucrurile pozitive pe care le-am invatat aici. Uneori este bine sa fii scurt si la obiect, si asta cred sincer si concis fata de tari ca Germania sau Austria sau Elvetia. Chiar daca nu sunt tari care m-au atras in mod special sau in care as dori sa locuiesc in mod special, consider ca in anumite privinte sunt un important model de urmat. Asa sper sa vedeti si voi si sa imi impartasiti daca descoperiti locuri interesante din Germania. Va invit in rubrica de comentarii sa impartasim experiente si sa imi raspundeti la intrebarea de mai sus. V-am pupat!
[EN]So I will say officially goodbye to the August trip on blo. I can say in conclusion that this experience of my life widended my European horizon and that we can make a difference at home with the positive things we have learned here. Sometimes it is better to be short and to the point, and that is what I honestly and concisely think about countries like Germany or Austria or Switzerland. Even if they are not countries that attracted me particularly and that I wouldn't like to live in particularly, I think that in some ways these are an important role model. So I hope you see it too and share widely. I invite you in the comments'section section to share your experiences and answer the question above. Kisses!
[EN]In today's article, I will present the latest destinations that we visited on this long journey in August this year. I promise I will not make things longer, because I know that winter came on the windows, and I will talk about summer. So, this article will be history, technique, and walking and relaxing summer.In the first instance, I will show you a cool morning walk in the town of Lindau, Germany, then relaxing at the beach in Bregenz, Austria, and finally a visit to the Zeppelin Museum Friedrichshafen, Germany. And there are many stories to tell, let's get to work.
O prima poza, in Friedrichshafen, unde am vizitat intai muzeul si apoi am urcat aici pentru poze faine
[EN]The first picture in Friedrichshafen, where we visited the museum first and then I came up here for cool pictures
[RO]In Lindau, am mers pe insula, unde ne-am plimbat prin port si prin centrul lor, cochet si cumintel, care m-a trezit usor, usor cu racoarea sa de dimineata.
[EN]In Lindau, we went to the island, where we walked through the gates and their center, stylish and reasonable that woke me up slowly, slowly with his morning chill.
Portul mi-a dat o stare buna si m-a facut sa ma simt fresh inca din primul moment
[EN]The harbour gave me a good mood and made me feel fresh from this first moment
[EN]Here passed a zeppelin overhead. In Friedrichshafen airport there was some kind of zeppelins, where tourists can fly to one of them for half an hour over Lake Konstanz. The cheapest "flight" is 200 euros per person and prices can range up to 900 euros per person; It depends only on flying time that you will choose. I'm sure there are other parts of Germany where you can have a Zeppelin flight experience, but I cannot say certainty elsewhere. So, Friedrichshafen is close to Lindau and Zeppelins can be seen easily here, so if you want the experience of a zeppelin flight, the Lake Constance is my recommendation.
Am si intrat in mica catedrala
(I went to this cathedral as well)
[RO] Aici plecase un vapor:))
Ei bine, dupa aceasta plimbare relaxanta, am mers la o plaja improvizata pe lacul Konstanz unde am avut parte de cateva ore departe de orice aglomeratie urbana. Frumos amenajata si avand toate conditiile pentru o zi petrecuta la soare, plaja din Bregenz, Austria ne-a relaxat total, platind 10 euro pentru intreaga zi, in acesti bani fiind incluse sezlonguri, vestiare, bai, loc de joaca pentru copii. Exista si o terasa pentru cei care petrec mai mult timp acolo.
[EN]There was leaving a boat :)) Well, after this relaxing walk, I went to a makeshift beach on Lake Constance where we had a few hours away from any urban agglomeration. Beautifully decorated and with all the conditions for a sunny day at the beach in Bregenz, Austria we had a blast, paying 10 euros for the whole day, money included lounges, locker rooms, bathrooms, playground for children. There is also a terrace for those who spend more time there.
[EN]The few hours spent in nature have prepared us for visiting the Zeppelin Museum, which impressed us and which I recommend to those who are passionate about the history of transportation, being something more affordable than flying the Zeppelin itself.
In drum spre muzeu, am dat de aceasta familie fericita:)))
(On the way to the museum, I came across with this happy family :))) )
[RO] Muzeul se invarte in jurul povestii dezastrului Hindenburg, insa prezinta si o viziune mai optimista, adica exact ce au facut inginerii ca un eveniment dezastruos de acest fel sa nu mai existe. De asemenea, veti observa evolutia zeppelinelor si modele reprezentative. In cele din urma, muzeul a recreat interiorul Hindenburg-ului in marime naturala.
[EN]The museum revolves around the tragic story of Hindenburg, but has a more optimistic view, exactly what engineers did to make sure that a disastrous event of this kind will not happen again. Also, you will see the evolution of zeppelins and representative models. Finally, the museum has recreated the inside of Hindenburg's life-size.
O poza reprezentativa a celui de-al Doilea Razboi Mondial, in care este surprins Hindeburg in compania acestor femei puternice
(A representative picture of the Second World War, was shot in the company of these strong women)
Din interiorul Hindenburg, in marime naturala, exact cum v-am precizat mai devreme
[RO] Aici, in aceste vitrine, se afla ramasite din zeppelinul care a suferit aceasta tragedie. Pe mine m-a impresionat sa pot sa am sansa sa aflu mai multe despre acest fapt istoric.
[EN]Here, in these showcases are remnants of the zeppelin which suffered this tragedy. I was impressed to be able to have the chance to learn more about this historical fact.
Aici ni se explicau anumite detalii tehnice ale Hindenburg-ului
(Here some technical details of Hindenburg's were explained)
[EN]And this is how I left the museum Zeppelin, an impressive museum even for those who have not a special passion for engineering. And I think I am one of them myself, but if all science books and school hours would be so interactive and so well developed, it would attract a lot more people to inventions, to scientific creativity.

Am urcat in acel turn, daca imi dati voie sa il numesc asa. Creat in tema cu povestea oraselului, privelistea de ansamblu pe care o ofera acesta a fost modul perfect de a ne incheia ziua.
(I climbed that tower, if you allow me to call it so. Created familiar with the story of the small town, the overall view that provides this little tower was the perfect way to end the day )
Aici mi se vede bucuria de a face miscare pana in varful constructiei din otel
[RO]In ultimul articolul din calatoria aceasta, va afisez o tinuta non-conformista si un par blond, pe care nu l-ati mai putut observa in articolul anterior despre tinutele de toamna, asa ca bucurati-va de ultimele momente de glorie ale parului meu vopsit blond. As putea scrie un articol despre evolutia tunsorilor mele? Daca sunteti incantati de idee, scrieti-mi in comentarii.
[EN]In the last article in this journey, as you can see I am wearing a non-conformist outfit and blond hair, that is not present in the previous article about autumn outfits, so enjoy the last moments of glory of my dyed blond hair. I could write an article about the evolution of my haircuts? If you are excited about the idea, write me in comments.
Cred ca farmecul acestui turn sunt lacatele de dragoste
Muzeul Zeppelin pe dinafara
[RO] Astfel imi iau la revedere de la calatoria din august oficial pe blog, in stil mare. Pot spune ca o concluzie, ca aceasta experienta de viata mi-a intregit orizontul european si ca pot aduce o schimbare acasa cu lucrurile pozitive pe care le-am invatat aici. Uneori este bine sa fii scurt si la obiect, si asta cred sincer si concis fata de tari ca Germania sau Austria sau Elvetia. Chiar daca nu sunt tari care m-au atras in mod special sau in care as dori sa locuiesc in mod special, consider ca in anumite privinte sunt un important model de urmat. Asa sper sa vedeti si voi si sa imi impartasiti daca descoperiti locuri interesante din Germania. Va invit in rubrica de comentarii sa impartasim experiente si sa imi raspundeti la intrebarea de mai sus. V-am pupat!
[EN]So I will say officially goodbye to the August trip on blo. I can say in conclusion that this experience of my life widended my European horizon and that we can make a difference at home with the positive things we have learned here. Sometimes it is better to be short and to the point, and that is what I honestly and concisely think about countries like Germany or Austria or Switzerland. Even if they are not countries that attracted me particularly and that I wouldn't like to live in particularly, I think that in some ways these are an important role model. So I hope you see it too and share widely. I invite you in the comments'section section to share your experiences and answer the question above. Kisses!
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